
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pioneer Day games

Our church youth celebrated Pioneer Day last night by playing several different games that were played by our ancestors back in the day. I was in charge of this  event. Technically we should have used homemade donuts, but I cheated and bought them at Walmart. I used powdered sugar donuts to increase the "messy" factor.

Each team entered 2 boys and 2 girls. We were missing 19 of our young women and young men tonight, but we had lots of fun anyway with the 17 who aren't out of town on vacation. 

The object of the game is to eat as much of the donut as possible while leaving just the "ring" on the string.

Each competitor had their own unique style and strategy. It was definitely fun to watch.

K7 was in charge of several of the games. Here he tries to eliminate competitors by tricking them during a game of "Simon Says". Fun night.


  1. Fun!!! Looks like you all had fun! Wish I could have been there . . . Miss you!

  2. It does look like fun, even if the donuts were the powder kind. The boys look older too.

  3. Ahhh! That looks like you guys had a blast! Wish I could have been there...(maddie stop stealing everything i want to say!) lol Miss you guys too!
