
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Kansas City Trip

S and I drove to KC Tuesday afternoon. Had supper with K2 at an excellent Indian restaurant, after which K2 and I went to a movie (Bourne Legacy - which we liked), so S could do some last minute studying at the hotel before getting up early on Wednesday to take her 8-hour long, national midwife's exam. K2 joined us for her lunch break, then he headed back to Law School while I returned S for the 2nd half of exam. I spent the afternoon at Half-Price Books reading and buying books. S finished early, and since the temperature reached 96, I took her to Winstead's restaurant for a snack of chocolate shake and ice cold limeade. This old time burger joint was opened in the 1940's! K2 joined us again to say goodbye, and we headed home at sunset. Sorry, but I forgot to take any photos except this one the entire trip. 


  1. It's ok . . . the sunsets are what counts . . . . lol! And I'll admit that's a pretty cool looking sunset : )

  2. I always love those sunset pics you take! :)
