
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New, bigger chicken coop.

Having brought home a large new flock of chickens (27) last week, we needed a 2nd coop. K2 went to work building it a few days before returning to law school Saturday. He did a great job. K7 and K8 just need to install some chicken wire along the top. 

"S" is happy with it.

We have already found our first egg in the box, but most of...

...the birds got used to roosting on and in our hay storage before K2 built their new home, so now K8 has to search the hay to collect a dozen eggs each day. We are putting grain in the coop each evening to lure birds inside. I will put some fencing across the top of this wall to keep the chicken out, and keep the cattle from eating hay during winter ice storms when we let them into shed. 


  1. Hey! I spent four days helping Keegan with this project.

  2. That must feel amazing to have that done!
    It looks really nice! : )

  3. Well it looks great I'm glad you got it all finished : D It was nice of you to help! LOL

  4. Did you need more chickens because the 1st group are getting ready for the freezer?

  5. The more practice K2 get's in building, the better it looks! The roosting boxes look good too. Scrambled Eggs Super alla Peter T. Hooper!

  6. Its not that we needed more chickens, rather the opportunity arose to get them when a friend was getting rid of his flock. I am giving some to a couple of other families and putting some in the freezer. Any remaining will be merged into our original little flock, which is aging. The big new coop in the corral will be used to raise a batch of "meat" chickens this fall, and then another new, young, replacement group of egg layers next spring.
