
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Finally finished building this house!

K8 came outside Tuesday morning and said,"Hey, there's something different going on." He is absolutely correct. After a year and a half, I decided to have Alan return and build the front porch railing. As K2 says, it makes the house look "complete", and after several visits from my grand children, I consider it a safety requirement. By the way, did you notice that K8 has a book in his right hand? It is a volume of Sherlock Holmes stories.

K2 helped Alan for a little while - until poking himself in the finger with a sharp screw.

The wood frame was installed first.

Then the connectors go in which will hold the rails.

The project moved fairly fast.

Alan getting close to the end.

Working on the final section.

All finished!

What do you think?

The ducks could care less. They just want to be fed. As you can see in the back ground, the pond has remained full in spite of the drought. How? I have a "pump and dump" geothermal cooling system that operates off of our deep water well and pumps the discharge into the small pond.

Just needs a small gate and we can pen up dogs or grand children on the front porch.

The view from our now "safe" porch end, looking west across the corral toward pastures. There is quite a drop-off below this end of porch.

I am pleased with the final look of our house. K2 is right - the house does look complete.


  1. It looks great!!!! I bet it feels good to finally have that done : D

  2. I agree, it does look better! Cute ducks.

  3. It's gorgeous! I love it! I love the style of your house! Especially the wood smell...

  4. But too bad there's no more easy short cuts-jumping off the railing anymore...
