
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

New calf's first drink took awhile

T-bone finally stood on all four feet, but had trouble finding his first drink. Started at wrong end. Momma looks ready to bust.

Headed in right direction, but missed the target.

Walked right by it and missed it completely.

Getting warmer, but still missed it.

I called K8 over to help T-bone find the milk spigot. Momma looked like she was begging us to hurry.

Go back a little and look up...

K8 squirted him with some colostrum loaded milk...

We thought he had it, but he wandered off course again.

Spending more time near the fountain of lactic elixir. Maybe he is finally getting the right idea?

Yes, by jove, I think he's got it!

Latched on and sucking his first meal on Terra Firma, and Momma looks very happy about it.


  1. LOL! That had to have been funny to watch : )I'm glad he finally got the concept : )

  2. The Discovery channel right here! Great story.
