
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, August 10, 2012

Late night chicken round-up

A good friend from church asked if we would like to come out to his farm and take all of his chickens. I usually say, "Yes", to free  animals and stuff. We had to go at night after the chickens settled in for night to avoid having to chase them around the field. I stood at the door to his chicken coop as the boys entered. Look at all the dust and debris flying.

We used his portable dog cage to carry batches of chickens to our truck and our "big" brooder box.

K7 and K8 loaded the first batch, then...

...back into the chicken dust storm! Nasty job, but someone had to do it.

We had to abandon the dog cage because it had a hole in top through which the chickens were trying to escape. Switched to our "little brooder" box. But where is K8?

He had to be hosed off with water because one of the big turkeys roosting high up in the coop dropped a big warm blob of poop on his head. Like I said, this was a nasty job. So much for "free" chickens - there is always a price to be paid.

"Come here little chickie".

We ended up with 28 hens and assorted roosters, and headed out at 10:30 P.M. driving 30 miles home through the rolling and twisty back roads of the Ozarks. Another fun and memorable day (or night) in paradise.


  1. Oh my!
    That's really nice K8
    That would be a memorable night!

  2. That's crazy . . . I would have loved to help with that :D lol

  3. With all that dust, I'm surprised you weren't wearing masks. Will there be a chicken I can kill and prepare next time I'm there?
