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K8 and I visited the big city Tuesday to buy tons of merit badges and ranks for our Boy Scout Court of Honor tonight. The Scouts have been busy this summer, and K7 and K8 got their share. |
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We wanted to watch the new Bourne movie while in town, but we had to wait two hours for the next show time, so we |
While mowing beyond the pasture fence Monday, Heidi headed over to see what I was doing. |
I wish I had a grass cube treat to feed her, but no joy. |
Her two daughters followed her. Her newest, the as yet un-named black heifer was pretty frisky, and her older daughter Sandie was running toward us in the other paddock. |
Here is new daughter. Yea, I know - need a name for her. |
Here is 11 month old Sandie. |
Sisters! |
I liked this postioning - Mother and daughters! |
This is the view back across paddock #3 with the sun going down. |
We started his day with a leisurely breakfast of French toast and... |
...chocolate Kid's Now shakes. Then the boys and I went off to do a service project for a few hours. |
I saved this one juicy tomato for my healthy BLT sandwich. Yummy. |
And of course, I washed the BLT down with this delicious cup of chocolate milk! |
We had put our goat Percy in this paddock a few weeks ago to eat the weeds, but we would have needed several more goats and several more weeks to clear it. I couldn't wait any longer. |
Besides the steep incline, I had to maneuver around stumps, rocks, and... |
...trees. |
The chickens and turkeys seem happy as well. |
Our county road crew has been busy the past few days resurfacing our road with oil and gravel. This is a view to the east of our house. |
While out in the pasture with the truck, we picked up branches that were blown down during last two storms, as well as pulling big weeds out of the corral. |
We added it to our growing brush piles along the stream. We will have several bon fires in a month or two, and then resume clearing this area that we started last winter. |
K8 verified its a girl. A real cutie. |
A pretty day to be born. It was also the coolest day we have had in a while, in the low 80's. |
Any suggestions on what to name her? |
Like Mother, like daughter! All systems are functioning and normal. A good Momma Dexter cow. A good birth. Equals a really good day on the Wanch! |