
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday Cowboys

What do you call a bunch of guys who wear shirt and tie, and load hay on Sunday to feed cows? 

I have the best dressed ranch hands in the Ozarks. And happiest farm animals. First stop was paddock #6 with most of the males of all breeds - Dexter, dairy steers, ram, and donkey.

Second stop was paddock #1 with all the female cows (and one banded bull calf). The grass has been eaten all the way to the ground, so I have to feed hay until we get the south 20 acres fenced - hopefully starts this week.

Part of our "wild" chicken flock. They roam all over the paddocks eating bugs and seeds, and tearing apart cow patties looking for more bugs and seeds, so they are quite useful.

Our last hay stop is paddock #2 with the sheep flock (which includes Percy the goat).  Speaking of sheep, we had roast lamb stew with gravy over mashed potatoes for Sunday supper - Yummy! We should be butchering a ram during Thanksgiving holiday, and taking a few more to market as well.

K7 feeding scraps to the dogs. He was trying to get all of them to sit before he would feed them. This was the only shot in which Belle and Rose sat, so they didn't get much.

Dandy got her fair share - here she's about to catch a piece of meat in mid-air. Unfortunately she doesn't chew, just swallows. Yuck.


  1. You torture me with the mention of your Sunday dinner. You had to mention my favorite meal!
    Those are smart looking young men you have there.

  2. You are so right you have the best dressed ranch hands in the Ozarks ; )
