
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Random shots from another busy week

A week ago Saturday, K7 and K8 attended a Dexter cattle halter training and showmanship class.

These are loaner cows. Whether we get into showing our cows or not, we still need to halter train all the babies so we can handle them more easily.

K2 and K6 built another firewood storage rack.

K7 actually loaded all the wood on the right before starting on the left when K6 finally showed up to help.

K7 had to take a break from firewood to unload rocks on the driveway.

After weeks of monsoon-like rains, erosion becomes a problem on this steep part of driveway.

A truckload of 2" rock costs $21.05, and pretty well maxes out my truck's carrying capacity.

K2 took the lead on putting up a fence around garden area to keep all dogs, goats, and sheep out. Not finished yet because...

...K2 took time off to accompany me and K7 to Grazing School. 2 and 1/2 days of learning about soil, grasses, fencing and rotational grazing.

Every morning was in class, and then the afternoons out in a pasture doing hands-on "show and tell" with real grass, cows, manure, etc.

Chickens are beautiful, fun, and entertaining.

And they are as regular as clock-work when it comes to settling in for the night.

This past Friday night was our church's annual Father and Sons Camp-out at Fort Leonard Wood. A good friend held fishing class for the boys.

K7 practicing his casting technique.

K8 was the casting champ. He consistently got his hook out to the middle of the river.

Putting in a "french drain" along the barn and goat shed got delayed by rain storms, but the trench diverted the rain water away from barn.

We finally got the job done this week.

Another pretty sunset over our little glen.


  1. Wow, all the shots are great. But, I particularly liked the last one. I think the sun rising and setting on this little farm are so pretty. It is hard to capture the loveliness of it but the last one is pretty good.

  2. I like all the shots! Look at those boys and K2 learning how to live off this beautiful Earth! I hope they remember these experiences to tell later.

  3. First of all my name is Kaleb not K6, and the post about me showing up after K7 had been working for a long time, is bull. FYI
    P.S. I don't like being called K6.

  4. Dear Whipple Child born 6th of 8 children,

    your complaint has been heard and after considerable thought, it was determined that your complaint is null and void. As you are currently self listed to the online community as "Rufus Whipple" which is neither your Christian given name or a form there-of; like-unto "K6." It was also posted during the onset of bloggin that K1-K8 were shortened terms due to bloggin brevity and more importantly the privacy (security) of family identities.



  5. Beautiful post Daddy! SEE YOU REAL SOON!!! :)

  6. I can't change that name srry, and dad said to put a comment so I did. Oh and I got a job.

  7. That's Fantastic Kaleb!!! Mom also tells me that your concert pianist teacher told her (mom) that out of all the students she has ever taught, only 6 have real talent and YOU were one of them! That is really fantastic!! what a music talent you are Kaleb- and music talent with a job!!
