
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Busy Monday

We have had a family of 9 staying with us for the past week while they house-hunted in the area. They left Monday morning after a hearty breakfast of... 

...chocolate chip pancakes! 

Mid-afternoon, I heard a lot of noise in paddock #2. Seems a falcon attacked a member of our "wild" flock of chickens. K8 got a .22 rifle and headed outside. 

He took a shot at the predator, but was too late to save the little black hen. 

Late in the day, we separated "Red" from his latest girlfriend (a full sized dairy cow) and got ready to help load her up for the return journey to her own farm - hopefully pregnant. 

I was up and dressing at 0230 Tuesday morning in order to drive a friend to the St Louis airport. I was homeward bound and only 1 1/2 hours from the farm when I encountered a traffic delay caused by this wreck. We had a pretty strong thunderstorm blow through the area.

I eventually got past it and made it safely home at 0930. Had breakfast and went to bed for a while. Woke up to a beautiful sunny afternoon.


  1. NO WAY! We had chocolate chip pancakes on Sunday : ) They are so good : ) I'm sorry you had to drive through so much traffic . . . that's no fun : /

  2. I bet it is fun having people over! : )
