
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The movie, "Brave"

K7 and I saw this movie last Friday. Frequently laughed myself silly and thoroughly enjoyed the high quality artwork and Celtic music. Basically, its an updated but fun remake of "The Little Mermaid", except this time the daughter rebels against Mom instead of Dad; daughter slips the witches brew to Mom to effect a change instead of drinking it herself: it takes place in ancient Scotland instead of under the sea; and the young heroine wears more clothes. There were only two disappointing moments in this movie: (1) a scene in which all the males have taken off their kilts to make a rope and they parade past the camera showing their bare rears; and (2) a scene where a buxom maid hides a key down the front of her low-cut dress, and one of the heroine's mischievous little brothers dives off a high beam to retrieve the key. In my opinion they are both stupid scenes to put into a movie, most especially a kid's movie. I enjoyed majority of the movie, but unfortunately won't be buying the DVD. What are your thoughts on this movie?


  1. Sounds good! I'll have to go see it!

  2. I agree with both points. Maybe I can get this movie edited? I loved the music and laughed!

  3. We loved it. It was Sadie's first experience in the theater and she sat still and kept quiet. It was a great story! I wouldn't have compared it to Little Mermaid at all. Brave is rather an unconventional princess movie. More taking after Tangled in making the heroines less perfect, not so focused on finding a prince and all-around more likable. Little Mermaid's independence streak was more annoying and daft. Marida's conflict with her mother was an expected outcome based on today's standards on choosing a husband so for movie goers it was more interesting to see the conflict resolution. It doesn't end with turning the Mermaid's fin into legs or the princess leaving her family. Brave is so much more. Glad you enjoyed it too!

  4. I didn't want to see it, but lots of people have been talking about it and say that it's really good : )
