
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Little John Deer

I am not one to make K7 work and let K8 goof off. Since K7 was learning to use the chain saw, I had K8 use his Little John Deer tractor to mow the orchard.

He actually likes using his tractor. Hey, and he's wearing his boots!

The only problem with mowing the orchard is it's on a slope...

...which can be dangerous if done wrong. You have to cut straight downward, and...

...straight upward on the hill to avoid tipping over. Good thing K8 is smart and figures these things out pretty quick.


  1. Wow, it looks dry there. Good thing K8 is a smart guy. And K7 uses a chain saw now?

  2. Mowing large lawns builds lots of character.
