
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

The boys and I bought tons of fireworks in town yesterday, a good variety, but with plenty of artillery shells. We planned on shooting a few on Tuesday night, 3 July, and then lighting off the remainder tonight. You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men...

Last night we had "S"'s brother visiting, all the Richardson girls, KT and Dan, and K2, K7, and K8. Parked 3 pick-up trucks alongside each other in front of house and we all sat on the tailgates over looking the front yard. I let the boys shoot off everything! It was great! I borrowed this pic from the internet to represent the beauty of what we experienced, because I was having too much fun enjoying the fireworks to bother to go find my camera. We slept in late this morning, fed the animals, read books, "S" and KT cooked side dishes and cup cakes, and we drove out to the Lee family farm for a cook-out and visit. Of course we took along several guns and had a literal "blast"! Came home around 7:30 P.M. and stuffed ourselves with Bluebell ice cream of many flavors. Then watched movies. What a fun day. Hope you also took advantage of our many freedoms and independence to have an enjoyable holiday. How did you celebrate the 4th?


  1. Sounds like you had a great time! We pretty much did nothing till 7:00pm we went to a huge party at someone in our wards house...and age a lot of food and shot off tons of huge fireworks. Why did only the richardson girls come? Did you take that firework pic?

  2. We did enjoy a day off from working ,and our many freedoms! We ended the evening, after fireworks, by watching the 4th of July ending scene in McLintock with John Wayne.
    There may be people who live in America who do not appreciate their freedoms, but I do! I do!

  3. Our day was pretty kick back. Sadie played in the sprinklers. It was my first sunny and warm 4th of July since moving to Washington. I read the Declaration of Independence out loud to Mike. Maybe I'll make it a family tradition. We kept Sadie up late until 11 PM to watch our neighbors blow up their money. It was wonderfully exciting! Next year we're going to budget and get our own fireworks to light. I've got to get a flag for next year to put on the house.

  4. WOW! Sounds like you had fun together . . . . :D
