
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random shots from a busy week

K7 returning from the pasture with his  faithful companion Belle.

K8 headed out to the pasture to adjust the water bubbler.

Our stream curves around our farm and joins a second stream before literally crossing our road a half mile from our house.

Putting fish in our pond builds muscle (note to K5, check out the big sneakers K8 is wearing - they are your old ones).

Egg production is up!

Putting in a french drain along the barn and goat shed.

Digging under the trampoline legs in order to level it.

Moving a piano in preparation for a big music concert put on by our symphony and choir this Saturday evening. 

Sometimes parents wonder about their sons...

S took on the major job of cleaning out the chicken coop and goat shed flooring of old hay, which should greatly help our compost bins.

Plus the goats and chickens are real happy with their new, clean flooring. Smells very nice as well... 


  1. I love all these new "random shots". Our son and his bud beside the sign was a nice touch.

  2. I like the different pictures, because it helps to see the many chores put into a farm. One project after the next creates a beautiful place. Well done, everyone!

  3. PS We thought the new little goats were female because we let an 11 yr old boy tell us. A few days later, we took a look. Surprise. One was a buckling.
