
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Another logo, this one for our Farm business

 I asked my brother-in-law Kevin to create a logo for our farm business. A little green glen (valley) with a stream running through it inside an egg with a jagged edge. It was too hard to try and cram cows, sheep, goats, chickens, etc. into one logo. So, what do you think? Do you like any of these candidates? If YES, which one(s). If NO, give us some artist feedback, or a description. I'm partial to #5 thru #8.


  1. I really like a combination of something between 1 and 6. I like the brown egg shell and maybe the cracks...but I like the smooth look of egg 1.

  2. I think I like the brown egg as well. Maybe I do like the smooth. It is hard. I understand why you like the cracks, but maybe the smooth is better. No dripping yolk. Konnor asked what it was. I said, "Yolk, dripping"

  3. I like #6 with a smooth line. It looks refined, more professional. The dripping yolk looks like there is a flaw in the art. I think most people would be confused by the smudge of yellow.

  4. #6 with a smooth line is done. My favorite too. Put a little undulation in the land too. Think you'll like it.

    oh...and the other one with big w and ozark mtn...mtn could be kinda hard for me. If someone wants to draw the mtn and scan...I could play around with it the w and some bees.

  5. Klara start drawing a mtn and a w....loving the #6 with a smooth line :) Great work Uncle Kevin!!

  6. Completely agree with the comments and would have suggested #6 also with the changes Uncle Kevin has made (smooth & curved edge). The brown egg is a nice contrast should it be printed on white paper. Plus, consumers think they're getting a better/organic egg if it's brown. Using "Glen Creek Farm" helps consumers know your location as well.

  7. Mind if I add a comment? Haven't seen the #6 with the smooth line but of the original 8 I vote for #2 because 1) the smooth green line, the curve is very restful to the eye and spirit, jagged is sharp and is rough to the eye 2) the yolk resembles the rising sun, a fresh start, a fresh egg, yellow is joyful. Changing it to a brown shell would make it look more like an organic egg (as mentioned above). Ever notice most of the car logos are circular? There's a reason why...

    It's looking good, can't wait to see the final logo.

