
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, April 4, 2011

The fruit orchard is planted.

Planting anything directly into the ground in the Ozarks requires you start with a pick-axe to break the hard earth and dig out the rocks.

K6, friend, and K7 did a great job planting our orchard on the backside of our pond's dam, which faces south. The bee hives are just to the left.

We have 3 types of apple, 2 peach, 2 plum, 2 cherry, 2 pear, and a nectarine laid out in two rows. We can't put any sheep or goats in the yard for quite a while.

1 comment:

  1. That will look beautiful as they blossom each year! I wish I could get my children to work as well as the boys.
