
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sparky's field trip, or, trip to the field

I took Sparky out to the sheep paddock today. He stayed by my side, and barely noticed the "maternity" flock. Momma came toward us as if she recognized him, but when we got too close she turned back to the flock.

Sparky eventually ran after her and his siblings, but she wouldn't let him drink any milk.

This is K8's ewe, Booboo. She lambed a few days ago, and surprised us by only giving us a single. She has always given us twins. This birth brings us to 9 lambs so far, with many more to come in the next few weeks. 
We followed most of the flock into the corral.

"Are you my Momma?"

"Are you my Pappa?"

This really is his Pappa.

Sparky is to the right in the first group of lambs, in the middle of two other lambs, being sniffed by two ewes.

Sparky returned from his field trip, but did not re-enter the house. The boys built him a new home on the front porch, where he will stay a while until he is weaned, before moving out to the paddock with the flock. It was 50 degrees earlier today, the first time it has been warm in many weeks, and it won't go below freezing tonight, so he should be okay. I was going to put him in the barn with the dogs, but my big English Shepherd, Dandy, looked at him as if he were already a lamb chop, so this is safer. Calling Dandy a shepherd is a misnomer. She is really a great watch dog, and does not shepherd critters - she flat out kill's most things. Hey Keegan, recognize this wire cage? It's the roof off your pig pen.


  1. Yeah, I recognize it. Too bad you took it down. It was a pain to put up.
