
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hay or hey - it's a homophone

"Hey you! What are you doing on my hay?" 

I needed lots of hay delivered before our latest waves of snow storms arrived. Here's the first load, and K6 and K7 are attempting to budge the first bale off - barely moved. The bales weigh about 900 lbs. K6 and K7 weigh 290 combined. The secret is to get a 3rd guy and push the top bales off sideways.

Then you can roll the bottom bales off the back. Ah, success! You can't see the 3rd man (next to K7), our friend Jayson, from whom we bought this first trailer load.

By the time we got our 2nd trailer load, our Missionaries came by and added lots of muscle. It helps that Elder Holyoak is a cowboy from out west.

Guys being guys, and to add a little fun, they got competitive - K7 and Elder Holyoak vs K6 and Elder Blackburn.

Who would have believed? The two smaller guys beat the two bigger guys - as you can see, it wasn't even close! How do I pay such great help? With lots of laughter and the occasional meal!