
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Weekly Update

The Boy Scouts spent a Saturday cutting firewood and delivering it to cash paying customers as a fundraiser.  

Our second customer of the day.

Last Friday, 20 January 2012, K8's ewe, Booboo, became a first time Momma. She gave us twins - a ewe called "Jane", and a ram called "Gaz". The babies are an hour old in this photo. 

Friday night and Saturday the 20th and 21st was the local Boy Scout District's annual Klondike winter camp-out.

There was a contest between the dozen units to make a dessert - with the main ingredient being pumpkin! K7 made the batter for our "pumpkin" donuts. We didn't win the competition, but we enjoyed the tasty donuts rolled in powdered sugar. They were more like funnel cake, yummy!

We have begun weaning Darlin's calf which means the Mom and daughter are permanently separated, and we now milk Darlin twice a day - doubling our daily milk in the frig! As you can see, all the cats and dogs get a little treat.

Both heifers are halter trained daily - rain or shine. During their time in a halter with one end tied to a post in the loafing shed, they are  scratched, fed grain, and gentled by K7 and K8.

Our corral is surrounded on 3 sides by paddocks. The chickens and dairy cow live in the paddock on the right hand side.

K8 is holding one of his baby lambs. The 3 other mommas are due to deliver within the next month, so stand-by for more baby pictures.

We are excited to have our daughter KT and son-in-law Dan move to the farm this week! KT is running our home school for K7 and K8 two days a week, teaching them Spanish, and... 

...Chemistry and Biology. KT will be giving birth to her first child in this home in April. Dan will be finishing the basement apartment in the next month. Life is good.


  1. I enjoy chemistry, biology, math and music but History is my favorite.

  2. I wanna come home!!!!

  3. So much happens there! I love all the pictures and stories. Such a great Wanch! This much can be said, everyone works. What is S doing?
