
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Snow Melt

Yesterday (Sunday), the temperature got up to 65 F, and last night was our first without freezing temps in a long time. All of a sudden, the snow is gone, leaving lots of soft, muddy ground everywhere you step. The bees are out and about, but no flies or ticks, so I'm happy.

We built 3 large compost bins out of old wooden pallets, located in front of our large garden area. Not pretty, but functional. We'll build 4 large raised garden boxes this week to take advantage of shoveling soft mud into the boxes. The last frost is in April, but no reason not to start planting lettuce, peas, and other cool weather veggies now.

One problem with the front of our house facing north and in the shade - we have a several inch thick ice glacier for a few extra days...can't even bust it with a shovel. We had a lot of snow melting off the roof yesterday after church, and with no gutters installed, it was like walking through a miniature rain fall to get to the door.

Our tiny sheep dog Rose

Just beyond the animals in the pasture is a sea of mud.

Our little dogs were really muddy and got a bath yesterday, otherwise they would not be allowed back in the house, let alone climb on me.


  1. Hey, where did you find the pallets? That's what I'm looking for to use as a compost bin. Nice weather this week. I'm loving it!

  2. Klara,
    One of our local lumber yards places their excess pallets outside their gate for anyone to take. We have plenty of room near our garden, so we built three bins. Two of them will be filled with old poop-filled straw when we clean out the chicken coop and goat shed in March or April, and we'll add some cow mature. The third one receives our daily kitchen compost scraps.
