
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tarzan eats worm

I had planned to start 2014 by scaling way back on Scouts and limit my time and effort to being an occasional merit badge counselor. But I was asked to help plan this month's Klondike Camporee, which required us to go to the camp site two weeks early and cut lots of firewood and lay out other preparations. As you can see, we had 24 volunteers who showed up on a cold morning and did good work. 

The boys found a hollow log filled with some carpenter ants and one big grub worm.  They must have missed breakfast, because they were hungry enough to eat the ants - taste like lemon drops. But one guy, we'll call him "Tarzan" to protect his real identity, was real hungry. He ate the worm!

***Warning. What follows is graphically funny***

Yep, Tarzan chomped down on that bad boy. How did it taste? Not like lemon drops apparently...

...maybe if you take a second bite? As you can see, other enquiring minds wanted to know as well.

Nope, not even close to lemon drop flavor. The crowds reaction was what you would expect - brotherly laughter.

The boys would like to thank Tarzan for his brave experiment and now suspect that there must be a better way to prepare a grub worm snack...maybe covered in chocolate sauce, or possibly grilled with garlic butter. Who knows, one of them may try it again?

Hey! Where's our latest Eagle Scout, Teddy? Why isn't he with us today?

Working at Chez Mac's restaurant back in town, earning money! After watching Tarzan eat a raw healthy grub, the boys and I were hungry for factory burgers with fake ingredients. For all the bashing they take, there are some positives about modern fast food...just ask Tarzan.


  1. My goodness . . .He's a crazy kid!!!!!!! I don't think I could ever do that . . . But it's things like that, that make you laugh and remember forever : P

  2. Maybe he's been watch a little Bear Grylls.

  3. I feel really sick right now! I don't think I would EVER do that! : D
