
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Work vs nap

The two recent storms left a lot of debris and broken tree limbs in our front yard and paddock #6, so we needed to work.

Little Cork and Big Red are always curious about our doings in their pasture, so they came over to check it out.

These branches are mostly from walnut trees. When we piled them on top of the logs, Red decided they tasted good and started eating...

...then we started adding big sycamore branches to the pile and Red became unhappy. He plowed through the middle of the pile to get down to the walnut leaves, and must have liked the scratching effect so much on his hide that he did it a few more times just for fun. We had to chase him away so we could finish our job. By the end of the afternoon, I was huffing, puffing and getting a little sun burned, so decided it was time for a nap... 

...but somebody else beat me to it!