
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Let's talk turkey

Pretty, isn't he? A Royal Palm turkey, which is a rare Heritage breed. Got him from a friend I know at church who had too many males. At $25, a bargain! The three Barred Plymouth Rock chickens across the fence to the left each weigh about 9 pounds. How much do you think he weighs?

He lives in the corral with the goats (the sheep spent the last week in there to help eat down the grass). Don't want him in the chicken paddock because he will fight with my rooster. No, he will not be going into the oven this Thanksgiving, although that was my original intention when I bought him 2 weeks ago. He is the start of a new product line here on the Wanch.

He won't be alone for too long. Next week I pick-up 4 baby Royal Palms, 2 at least of which will hopefully be females - 3 girls would be better. I ordered them from a hatchery, and its cheaper to order "straight run". Usually you get 2 of each sex, but you never know...The Heritage label means they are hardy enough to forage and take care of themselves. They also breed and have babies, which the modern factory raised turkeys can't. So, who would like to place an order for your 2012 Thanksgiving supper?


  1. This Tom doesn't look edible yet. Can't wait to see this thing fattened up. They are purdy. I read they are an endangered species.

  2. I like 'im. He is a handsome devil.
