
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Money matters

Since K7 turned 16 last month, he is determined to get a job and make money. He had a good job interview at Subway, but he didn't get hired because he is not willing to work on Sundays. The owner liked him and said she would keep his application in case she hires someone for the Sunday opening. He then submitted an application to the other fast food place you see in the background - MacDonald's.

K7 is making money in other ways. He sold two of his ewes, and K8 and I each sold one last Friday evening.  Here is a pic of some of our girls eating their mineral of choice - sea kelp mixed with Redmon salt. The animal in the right foreground is not a girl or a sheep. That's Percy, our Saanen wether who roams around the pastures.

I was driving the back roads on my way home Sunday afternoon when a flock of wild turkey flew over the road in front of me. I only had my iPhone, and I was in a hurry, but I got a quick photo.


  1. Well, I hope things work out for you K7. I'm still on a job hunt . . .I have found other ways to make money, but am really looking for a job . . .LOL! : D

    1. Don't worry! I don't know anyone that wouldn't hire someone as hard a worker as you! ;)

