
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mr Mechanical

K8 is very handy on the farm and in the workshop. He is not overly thrilled in this picture, because I asked him to get the "big" weed eater ready, which means he had to remove the "ninja" cutting blade and sharpen it. 
This is the part he really likes - sharpening some blade on the grinding stone. Notice he wears gloves and eye protection - without me ever reminding him.

Here is the part he dislikes - having to lug the big, heavy thing while cutting thick, thorny brush. 

What was K7 doing during all this? Spreading red clover seed on the hillside. We had put a hundred pounds of it on our six paddocks earlier in the day. A few weeks ago we spread white clover, sweet yellow clover (for my bees), orchard grass, and Timothy grass. My goal is to keep opening up small areas among the trees and planting more pasture grass, but always keeping wooded areas for the deer, turkey, quail, hawks, owls, bobcat, and other wildlife. On our way back to house later this day, we saw a big owl drinking water from a seep - very cool moment.

When K7 finished this side of the hill, I released K8 from his drudgery, and together he and K7 spread clover seed across the top pasture and the western side of our hill (deer love clover!). After which I rewarded both boys with a little time shooting guns.


  1. Yeah! They all have their own skills. Love it boys, keep up the hard work. Makes it look better all the time.

  2. It's always nice when chores come with rewards : P

  3. You guys always seem to do a good job!
    At least they got to shoot guns!!!! : D
