
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Is it a dog house, or a cat house?

K2 built this nice big dog house for our big dog, even painting and staining it to match the cabin. Yes, the big dog does use it at night when the temperature gets down to -2 degrees (yes, it occasionally gets mighty cold here in the Ozarks). The big blue water bowl on the right side of first photo has an electric heating coil to keep the water from freezing. No, the big dog is not an indoor dog. Her job is to guard the farm 24 hours, something she is very good at. Yes, the little dogs come in at night. Their job is to sleep on a bed and keep someone's toes warm. Jimmy the cat is also strictly an out door guy. He sleeps in the barn with Lucky, or with big dog in the new dog house. K8 only gets sent to the proverbial dog house when he gets in trouble with Mom and she sends him out side for some "nature therapy".

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful dog house K2! I like the boy and animals that come with it. I also like the new Home picture better. It looks more like a Ranch.
