
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blind taste test.

I occasionally go into the "Big" city and shop at Sam's Club, and on even more rare occasions, I have been known to buy a box of Otis Spunkmeyer muffins. This week, I was shocked that, after many years, Sam's has changed muffin brands! How could they? I asked the Bakery manager what was going on? She said she didn't know, the new brand just arrived this week. I told her I wouldn't take the chance on buying the new brand after eating Otis' for many years. She gave me a package to take home and try! Wow! Thank you. Got home and pulled out my last Otis Spunkmeyer Chocolate muffin from it's secret hiding place, and called the boys in for a Blind Taste Test.  

K7 chewed away.

K8 munched away.

After eating samples from each brand, they voted.

They decided that the new brand, Cloverhill Bakery of Chicago, tasted better. I was about to call the Sam's Club bakery manager to give her the good news, but realized there was a flaw in our test - The Cloverhill brand was fresh baked, but Otis had been stashed away for a few weeks. Oh darn! We are going to have to do another test...


  1. Wow, another chocolatey muffin taste test. What a sacrifice! YUM!

  2. Oh chocolate?! I would eat both. Interesting education going on there. :)

  3. Hahaha! Do you guys eat like that all the time?
    I want to come over! lol! : D
