
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Another busy week.

Quick trip to St Joseph, MO, for Lynette's wedding reception. 

K6 injured his back skateboarding. 

K8 had animal chores this week.

Darlin likes her sweet grain in the morning.

K8 usually has fun on his way to, or on his way back, from chores.

Forsella and Mutt share a mineral block.

Mom helped the young men from Church prepare a Chicken Alfredo dinner for the young women this week.

We use the "burn barrel" (lower right) for small amounts of paper trash.

Dan, K6, and K7 spread lime pellets on paddock #1 yesterday before rain arrived today. 


  1. Awww, Linette! I like the animal pictures. Makes us feel like we're there.

    1. Wonderful domestic life - looks like heaven. Only question, Peter: Why do you have names for the livestock and numbers for the human off springs? LOL
      It was Diana who first noticed this today while cleaning up my computer.
      Have a wonderful week. Please let me know when Sheryl's play goes on so we can make atrip up there to see her in action, please.
      Love you all, Kathy
