
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Early November update

After 4 years of wash-outs in the gravel, I am finally fixing the driveway that goes down and around to the back of the house. 

Our friend Brian brought the right tool - his backhoe - and his 20 years of experience to correct this nagging problem. 

He asked me to get the gravel soaking wet while he went for a few loads of road chat. It looked great after he finished, but the real test will come in the Spring when the heavy rains come. Brian said not to worry, he'll come back and make any corrections to the flow.

K8, standing in the front rank, just to the right of the black line, earned a rank promotion.

His Marine JROTC unit holds a company formation once a month - before school starts! 

I had to get up early to attend, and take these pics, but it was worth it.

How do you clean up spills in your kitchen? I have different size dogs to handle any situation, even small ones for the rare milk spill on counter tops.

I spent the 11th, Veteran's Day, moving hay from my neighbor's farm over to our place.  It was pretty cold driving fast into the wind, and I had to add a thicker coat after the first bale.

Only got 12 bales this time. Should last us through New Year's.

1 comment:

  1. Those lucky dogs! Laura misses Chloe. She loves the picture. Congratulations to K8!
