
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

7 December, foot of snow, and a Japanese truck...what could go wrong?

The morning after the big snow storm, we waited until the road crew plowed our road, then headed to feed store to buy grain for the cattle. We weren't going very fast, but slid off road, spun around few times and slammed into ditch.  A state trooper arrived upon the scene in less than 15 minutes.

And a wrecker stopped 5 minutes later on his way into town with another "victim". He pulled me out with his winch. I only had two popped tires, so I called Danny and boys to bring air pump. We limped home. Had a little whip-lash in neck and shoulders for several days.


  1. Ohhh, yikes. The whiplash doesn't sound good. At least you were rescued quickly.

  2. He lied. I almost said before Dad slid, "you're going too fast for these conditions" but he would have thought I was nagging. After we slid off, I walked home. I was not happy.

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