
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Work on the farm

Work on the Wanch starts indoors. Here, K8 is cleaning a high air intake vent after changing light bulbs in the ceiling fans.

K7 sweeping floors. They also do dishes, laundry, clean bathrooms, and dust. Dad actually cleaned the grass doors and windows this week.

Fixing the water gap fence, west end of stream after a heavy rain. The east end is a piece of cake, but this west end is a bear. K8 has to go into deep water to retrieve the fence.

Team work - many hands make light work.

Heave, ho...

K2 devises a temporary fix to attach the fence to the post up on bank. We will be replacing this water gap in a month with a heavy duty one using aircraft cable and cattle panels, which should hold up much better in rain storms.

It was hot and buggy at this spot yesterday.

This was a surprise - the only chick to be "naturally" hatched by a momma bird this year. We thought we had collected all the fertilized eggs, because all other chicks and turkey polts came via S's egg incubator.

The roses are working too.

Resting while waiting for a stranger to come by before they do their work and go into action.

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