
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Wet

We had two days of steady rain last week, which caused the pond to overflow down into paddock #1. The day after this picture was taken, K8 killed a cotton mouth snake just to the left and below the black waterbubbler along the fence line. The next day, K6 killed a copperhead snake in the upper left corner of picture near the bridge across our stream.

The water flowed down and west across paddocks #2 and 3, and...

...kept going into paddock #4, creating a few new ponds. In the upper left of photo, you can see where the water from the stream overflowed and left debris along the fence line. I had K6 rake the stuff away from the fence Tuesday, and on Wednesday he burnt it with a flame-thrower. 

The day after the rain stopped, Danny was in the orchard and noticed something moving along the fence line behind the pond dam. He found fish flopping! Big ones and little ones. He came in and got the boys. They saved several adults and hundreds of babies. He put some more in his aquarium. We will have to rig a net across the pond's overflow sluiceway to avoid this in future.


  1. Whoa, snake season. Thank goodness they saved the fish! We want to go fishing next year. The orchard looks great. I love the names on the Wanch. "The park," "The Orchard," "The Garden," etc.

  2. That's a lot of RAIN! : )
    AND a lot of SNAKES . . .
    AND a lot of FISH?!?!?
