
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, September 6, 2010

We add a guard dog to the farm

Meet "Dandy", a 3 year old pure bred English Shepherd. I was chatting with a friend at Church yesterday and found out he is selling his farm and needed to find a good home for her. The boys and I drove out to his place today, and brought our three dogs along to see how everyone got along. Our old lab could care less, but the two little papillons are not so laid back - it may take a few days. K8 rode in the cage with her all the way home...I am sure anyone seeing them in the cage in the back of my truck must have gotten a chuckle.


  1. Dandy looks just like the kind of dog Konnor wanted. Speaking of dogs, it's raining cats and dogs today in Houston, TX.
