
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Our new son, K9!

We were very blessed early Friday, March 11th, to adopt this beautiful and sweet baby boy! The Judge signed the adoption order and legally changed his name. He is 18 months old, and we have raised him since he came home to us from the hospital aged 2 days old. The following photos are not in any chronological order, so just enjoy...

We first discussed adoption over 41 years ago, when we were very young and newly engaged. A doctor had told my wife that she probably would never have children, and she was devastated. I told her no problem, we would adopt.

Little did that quack Dr know that we would have eight healthy, naturally born children over the next 23 years.

But there were times and events over the years that we would briefly talk of adopting...and then we would get pregnant again with a new little one on the way, and would table that topic.

Several years ago, in Texas, we actually took the nine week long mandated training to become certified foster parents, and then, two of our daughters announced they were getting married, and my wife became a wedding planner during the next six months. Also, K8 was only 4 years old, and we worried about the effect that fostering might have on him. 

And then in the summer of 2014, we took the training again. We told the State Children's Division that we were interested in fostering children aged 5 years old to about 12 years old, with the intent of possibly adopting. No babies, because I did not want to mess with diapers, bottles, or the "terrible twos". The week we were to be officially certified, we were asked to take in a new born drug baby because he needed someone medically trained, like my wife the RN. He needed to be de-toxed and carefully monitored...even if only for a short period, until the State could find someone else.

Well, my wife was scheduled to work four days that week, so I took care of him for the first few days. Then she got sick that weekend, so I continued to care for him. He pretty much was glued to the front of my shirt, with his little fists dug into the fabric and crying and grunting non-stop...for two weeks - the length of time it took to de-tox him. I walked him most of the time, and when exhausted, I would sit and lean back on the big green couch in our basement family room so his noise wouldn't disturb anyone during the night. He and I would take short cat-naps together, him snuggled on my chest. K8 would take over each morning for two hours so I could sleep in bed. 

Sometime early the first week we told Children's Division they could stop looking for a new home - we would care for him as long as needed. He has been with us ever since. From early July 2015 to late December 2015, we were involved in a very stressful legal battle to gain permanent custody of him. We were extremely bonded to each other and felt we offered the best home, family and future for him.  

At the end of an eight hour court battle on 30 December 2015, the Judge agreed and awarded us permanent custody. Then we had to wait for lawyers to draft and process the required adoption paperwork.

We could not talk publicly about him until now. Today, the Judge approved our adoption and legally changed his name (No, not to K9).  

He had a slight developmental delay in his muscle motor skills - he did not roll or turn over until well past the normal time other kids could do those things, and he never really crawled on his hands and knees...

...he would only scoot along the floor on his bottom until he finally started pulling himself up on walls and furniture. Yesterday, March 10th, he just started letting go and walking! It was amazing, so naturally, we entered the court room today with him holding one of our hands and walking between us.

He is bright and inquisitive...

...very loving with immediate family, but shy around strangers...

...a very good "eater" of just about any kind and quantity of food...

...funny and full of energy...

...very cute, and now able to climb up on anything...

...very sweet, contented and pleasant...

And loved by all.

For the past few years now, the 11th of March was already a special day for our family - ever since our nephew Rex was killed in Afghanistan. It has been a day tinged with sadness. Now it is a doubly special day, but filled with joy. The Lord works in mysterious ways.


  1. You made me totally tear up Peter! Such an amazing, heart-wrenching, beautiful experience that has turned ashes to joy for your little guy! Thanking God for the Whipple heart and courage that has completely transformed his earth-life experience and eternity. Love you guys!

  2. Congrats Whipple family! He is getting so big and is adorable!
