
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More Ducks

Our ducks have a routine - spend most of the day swimming on pond, take a few naps on pond bank, and walk across the driveway to the barn when they are really hungry.

We feed them a bowlful of game bird mix that we buy at the feed store.

They seem to like it well enough.

Our older two ducks lay eggs around the pond, and if we don't find it first...

...then one of our psycho dogs gets it and eats it, leaving the shattered egg shell as mute evidence of their nasty habit.

The ducks love the water.

Another cute critter here on the farm - KT with little Wiley.


  1. I love ducks! Such fun hearing them laugh and watching them waddle. I love other cute critters too! They grow so fast.
