
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, December 31, 2011

What Christmas Break? Get outside and work!

Tuesday, 27 December dawned sunny, so I had the boys do a road clean-up along the two roads that border our property. This is our haul. Mostly beer cans and beer bottles. Sad. Scary. Nasty. Good reason to buy a silencer for my rifle and spend a few evenings watching with night vision goggles.

Thank you boys for a good morning's work. Now what else can we do today?

Lets go across the stream and cut logs. We found this large heavy box-shaped metal tank in the brush, so I got the tractor and chains. 

The boys had to cut a lot of thorny brush so they could wrap the chain around it.

I had time while they hooked up chain to watch K2 return from further up stream where he was cutting up logs.

Yes, he already cut this big one into several sections.

We could not have bunged this chunk of metal without the tractor's muscle. Not sure how we are going to load it on a trailer and take it to the metal re-cycle place, but if and when we do, we'll get a chunk of money!

No, K8 did not cut these with his Kaybar knife. Check out the stream in the back ground.


  1. You guys always seem to be busy doing something...

  2. Oh Yeah! Beautifing the land! Lookin' good guys.
