
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beef, it's what's for dinner!

I had a craving for Beef Stroganoff this week, so I made some! It was great in my humble opinion. Round steak, onions, mushrooms, sour cream, egg noodles - yummy for your tummy. And No, I did not use low-fat sour cream or noodles. Also made Chicken Indian Curry earlier in the week. Turning into a regular gourmet chef.


  1. I really like beef stroganoff! Gee, that name sounds German. I always knew you could cook if you wanted to eat something.

  2. Beef Stroganoff is my favorite!
    But my mom's is much better than yours! lol

  3. Stroganoff sounds more Russian or Polish than German to me!

    As for "mom's" being better...I have 2 comments - 1) A Mom's should always taste better, 2) but how would you really know if you don't try my version?

    Now that I have finally gotten some comments, its time to update the blog with fresh pictures, especially from Christmas.

  4. Yes, you are right. More like Russian.
