
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tour of Liverpool, England, part 1 - A.M.

Yes, I am back home as of yesterday morning, but I still have lots of photos from our last full day in which we had a fantastic walking tour  of the city. After our morning acupuncture session, we walked to the tour starting point - St James Cathedral. 

St James Park at the base of the Cathedral started out as a rock quarry, then a cemetery for the well-to-do, and now a quiet little park. Look to the left, the dark spot at the bottom of first arch - it is a natural spring!

Eddie was our guide for this one-of-a-kind tour...not your typical tourist shopping trip. This was history, culture, architecture, fun, and little known tid-bits.

Leaving the park and heading up to the Cathedral.

Pretty inmpressive inside, but this was not the reason for our visit.

Our goal was to get up on the roof of the tower. Went part of the way up in an elevator.

Guess how we travelled the last 100 feet?

Yes, we had to walk up narrow stone steps. 

But the view was fabulous. Well worth the effort. We came up here to get our bearings and an overview of the city. Here you are looking northwest out over the docks toward the Mersey River and the Irish Sea.

Looking north toward Waterloo 25 minutes away.

Northeast. The odd looking upside down funnel looking building is the Catholic Cathedral. At the top center of picture is a small green hill. Just beyond it is where the two dominate local football teams play in big stadiums located 1/2 mile apart (Everton and Liverpool).

View to the east over the Georgian style buildings. The green roofed complex at the top is the Women's Hospital.

Down in the basement area is this small chapel.

This phone booth is known as K6. It is considered a stand alone building, and therefore a tiny building within a large building.

Now we head into the city. To avoid putting too many photos in this post, I decided to split the tour into sections. To be continued...


  1. WOW! I can't believe you actually got to see all of that...you're so lucky! : D

  2. Great day Daddy!

  3. This blog comment thing is so stupid and wont let me put comments on under my name.....it wont let me.
