
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Black Pearl

Had another baby goat born last week. Jubilation had a little girl which K8 has named Pearl. I tried to explain that pearls are white, but I think I'm competing with Disney's "Pirates of Caribbean" movie influence (Black Pearl is the name of Jack Sparrow's ship). Oh well, Pearl's a nice name.

Jube gave birth among the old hay bales in the corral, and is an excellent mother to her first offspring.

New Momma gets a little sweet grain to help her regain some strength while Pearl gets some colostrum.

Percy the little buckling now lives full time with the rest of the goats - its time he realized that he is not a dog.

Percy is so lovable even the sheep like him.

1 comment:

  1. Pearl looks beautiful. It is a nice name for her too. There are black and white pearls, so really she is a combination of both. I like the pictures of the young goats. The goats there have certainly multiplied!
