
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Summer of Quarantine 2020

We have been needing to re-seal our asphalt driveway for over a year, so we finally did it in June after all the Spring rains ended. 

We were fortunate that neither our State, County or Town issued a mandatory face mask requirement. 

We locked up the dogs and chickens, and parked all our vehicles along the road outside our fence...

...where they stayed for 48 hours while the sealant dried. 

Looks pretty good. 

At the request of a few of our adult kids we switched our weekly family feast from Sunday evening to Saturday's. This particular gathering was held up on the hill at K4's home.

Our herd bull Apollo.

Three of our kids performed in the musical,"Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Coat" at the civic center in a town 45 miles away. There is a cool aquarium shop right across the street from it, so we stopped in for a visit.

K9 was impressed by this python.

We have sold 12 head of cattle since the first of the year, which has cut our herd size almost in half, and should require a lot less hay to be fed this winter.

K9 has discovered marbles!

One of the biggest adjustments during the Chinese virus's impact on America has been Church attendance, as in, no attendance. Our Church halted all meetings and activities the third week in March. We have been holding Church as a family in our living room each Sunday morning. Our daughters and sons in laws hold their own meetings in their own homes, so it is very nice to still gather for a family feast once a week.

We occasionally visit the Big City an hour away. All of the restaurants closed their dining rooms and survived the best they could with drive thru and curb side pick up. Our favorite place is Tropical Smoothie Cafe.

Most camps, farm shows and festivals were cancelled, but we had a few brave souls attend this summer Musical Theater day camp for one week where our kids learned many aspects of putting on a show. This was the Friday afternoon graduation performance.

In August, my daughter K3 and I each put three of our children in swimming lessons at a community center south of the Big City. We would drive an hour each way on four consecutive Saturdays. It was well worth the effort.

My Dad passed away in mid-June four days after his younger brother Carl passed away. Carl was 90 years old and my Dad was 91 1/2 years old. Both were retired career military veterans. Both families received this certificate. I appreciate that President Trump personally signed each one. Due to the Chinese virus, we had to wait until July to intern his ashes at the Fort Sill National Cemetery. Over all the weather has been mild this summer, but on this particular day the temperature hit 103!

We sold several ram lambs in July.

K11 and I loaded up the truck and took them to market. There were several hundred goats and sheep at the sale barn, and they sold at a good price.

Our flock is down to 30 ewes which we will be breeding soon.

Had a rain storm pass through on a sunny day which made for some cool pics and a nice rainbow (on the opposite side of the house).

Meet Sheriff Elect Sonny Byerley. There was a hard fought 3-way race in the August Primary to replace the retiring incumbent Sheriff. This pic was taken later that night at his Watch Party right after we all found out he won! Great man who will do a great job. There is no Democrat candidate on the November ballot, so Sonny is our new County Sheriff beginning January 1st.


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