
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Trees (felling, climbing, and trimming)

Last Fall, I hired my 72-year old friend and tree arborist, Bob, to come over and drop a few walnut  trees that were leaning dangerously over our driveway. He also spent time teaching K8 to become more proficient with a chainsaw.

This oak tree was dead and since it was close to a fence line, needed felling before a strong wind pushed it over and crushed the fence.

The firewood that came from this tree was donated to an older couple from Church who heat their home with wood.

A few months later, all the leaves were gone and the trees were bare. Our daughter K4's family came for a visit. Her husband Ryan has a hobby of climbing trees. He took this shot from a sycamore tree.

I invited Bob to come over and give Ryan a few pointers on climbing, and to teach him how to use a chain saw to trim  trees. They are up in one of two black cherry trees we have in the front yard. The tree on the far right is a hickory tree. I love trees, and only cut down the ones that are dead or leaning in a dangerous direction. You can see I have kept the cedar trees in my front yard. They are the only evergreens we have, so they brighten up the place during the winter, as well as provide shelter for many birds such as blue jays, cardinals, tit mouse, and chickadees. 

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