
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, November 5, 2015

K7 going, going, gone - on Church mission to Africa

K7 has been preparing throughout his entire life, all 18 years of it, to serve The Lord on a 24 month Mission...somewhere in the world. In September, he received his "Call" to serve in the Ghana Kumasie Mission! West Africa! Oh boy! Happy, excited, nervous, and lots of other emotional descriptives. So, how does one prepare for a mission in Africa?

Well, after becoming Spiritually solid, you need to be financially solid - earn lots of money. K7 had half of what he needed in the bank when his Call came, so he needed more - and I needed a lot of projects done on our Wanch.

Since he will be in a third world country for 2 years, have to ensure no potential dental problems - so yank those wisdom teeth out and make sure there are no cavities.

The bank account not quite full, so more Wanch work...

...and even more work.

But he had a few occasions to rest and relax.

He enjoys relaxing by shooting, he is a good shot, and hey, he is going to Africa...albeit, Ghana is probably the most peaceful and friendly country on that continent. Never hurts to know how to use a variety of tools.

Speaking of shots, got to get a few more of those babies - yea, that feels real good! He received this batch at Ft Leonard Wood Army base.

More work, even if it is baby sitting while the family gathers apples and pears at a neighbor's.

Finally! Enough money in the savings account to pay for 24 months. We stopped by our bank so he could open a checking account and carry a debit card while traveling to cover emergencies. One of his good buddies, Tia, in the blue shirt in back ground, just happened to be there at the same time, doing the very same thing. She is going on a Mission to Colorado.

Getting close to departure day, so better start saying his "good-byes" to all his family and friends, those large...

...and small.

His very last social event was attending a little brother's birthday party, which we held at a local pottery store. Kids had fun, cake, and good memories. Too bad the mug he painted in the cool colors of Ghana's national flag won't be fired and ready for use before he departs. He will get to see and use this mug for the first time around 29 October 2017.

His final full day in Missouri, USA. We drove to our Stake President's medical clinic an hour away in order for President Jones to set K7 apart as a full time Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. But you ask, "Where is the dark suit?" Ghana is way too hot and humid for the traditional suit. He is wearing his official Mission "uniform" in this photo - slacks, short sleeved white shirt, tie, and sturdy walking shoes.

Final farewell to his best bud, brother K8. Then we headed to our nearby "big" city with an airport large enough to get him to Atlanta. Since his flight was at 6:10 A.M. the next morning, we decided to spend the night at a hotel near the airport.

His travel paperwork said he had to be at the airport 3 hours prior to his international flight. I told him this is a dinky little airport, so we don't need to be there at 3:10 A.M.! We arrived at 4:15 A.M. 

Where is everybody? The airline employees were't even here yet. Oh well.

The final hug and goodbye with his Mom, Mother, The Center of His Mortal Universe. People have been asking her how she feels about sending her son off to strange lands for two whole years? Her reply, "This is what he is supposed to do, and for which he has been preparing his entire life."

Walking tall, through the stupid TSA herding lanes of insanity. It irks me that we can not wait with him at the departure lounge for the next hour. Remember those days? Before the government started mis-trusting it's own citizens rather than profile the real suspects? But I digress. K7 is going to a country without many of our rules or benefits or conveniences. He will get to serve some wonderful people and experience many, many new things. He will return a different man - an even better man than the one he was when he left home.

K7 = Elder Whipple.
(And K8 inherits the new suits that Mom bought last spring!)

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