
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Time lapsed photography...

Not "true" time lapsed... Just my version of it using "real old" pics (guess K6's age in this one), followed by "old" pictures, followed by "sort of old" shots, followed by more "recent" imagines. This was what the NE corner of our yard looked like when we built our house back in August 2010 - thick jungle and... 

...dense brush. Dare I say impenetrable?

Our first two young rams didn't even dare venture into it for fear of the Bogey Man.

We did put the boy's trampoline next to it for a short while, but it was too dangerous (unlike K8 riding on the back of Mom's car, which was OK!).

We waited for winter time to kill off the little under growth, then got serious with chainsaws and machetes, after which, we were down to muscle power. Our full-time Missionaries volunteered, which was greatly appreciated. 

Lots of man hours. Lots of burn piles over many days, weeks, months, and years.

K2 did the high risk jobs (remember, this was long before K8 started climbing trees with a chainsaw). Notice the "big" rocks? There were lots of them.

Fast forward four years. The boys and I took out several small trees, and they had to weed-eat frequently to control the weeds which were home to snakes and ticks. Finally got serious again about finishing "The Park" area, and called a friend in with his backhoe to get rid of all the boulders. 

He taught K8 how to drive his backhoe and the dump truck - way Cool skills! They re-cycled the rocks by using them to re-enforce our eroding stream bank.

Then truckloads of top soil.

My great neighbor came down the hill with his skid loader to spread the dirt.

Ready for grass seed and water! Hopefully, it will look nicer and be easier to mow, especially for me as our boys grow up and leave home.

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