
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Thanksgiving Week, 2014


If you don't like eating meat, and/or don't appreciate what it takes to put meat on the table to feed your family, do not proceed any further. 

Photos #1, 2, 4, and 5 are considered too graphic by the Obama administration for the typical low information voter to handle, and might cause: confusion, doubt, excitement, lightheaded-ness, hunger pains, nausea, or vomiting - depending on your pioneer core values of self reliance.

My wife prefers to eat vegan most of the time, but she is also a very practical farm wife. She approves of the following pictures that depict the manly art of hunting and butchering.

***You Have Been Warned***

My son-in-law Danny got an 11 point buck the first day home from college.

My daughter K3 and grandson Wiley admiring the huge buck. Danny will be back at Christmas break to add a few more to the freezer.

If you think that's gross, don't hang around the baby delivery room. Bit of a mess, but then you end up with something like these young "bucks", both 3 months old, only a week apart in age.

Now back to some gross pics...

No, this is not the buck - way too small. I asked K7 and Danny to butcher a young ram so we could donate the meat to folks at Church.

Danny has done this a few hundred times, so he was helping K7 get more practice before he heads off to medical school in a few years. The dogs waited patiently for scraps.

Home made yorkshire pudding as a side dish to our Thanksgiving Day feast.

K3 preparing Aunt Patty's cranberry soda drink. Sorry, but I enjoyed our feast so much that I totally forgot to take any more photos. Hope you had a great day with an incredible meal!

The day after Thanksgiving, our boys turned my office into Game Central.

Moved in a table and created a War Room to play some simulation, strategy, conqueror the world, war game. Yes, that is a cast on K2's right arm - broke it again! Same one he broke back in March. Darn!

It lasted a few days, and was a good, healthy, and fun way to bond as brothers. We have so much for which to be Thankful.

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