
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Newest calf on the Wanch

Our 1/2 Dexter- 1/2 Jersey family dairy cow, Little Darlin, gave birth to her 4th calf last Sunday, 14 Sep. I came home late after Church, and as I frequently do, looked out the window to scan our paddocks, and I saw a tiny new addition to our herd. I sent K8 out to take a few pictures while I ate a late lunch. He was grossed out by Darlin eating her placenta, but he did take these first two photos, and confirmed it's a little girl. 

Cute and healthy. Up and nursing without any delays or problems.

I went out Tuesday to give the two new Momma's a little grain, to scratch Darlin, and take a few more photos.  Poppa is on the other side of fence with most of the herd (and flock). This new girl is solid red in color and probably polled like her Momma. She brings our herd to 15, with 6 more calves due this fall and spring. Need to start selling a few cows and sheep before Christmas, or we won't have enough grass and hay to feed them all.

Since she was born on my sister's birthday, it was real easy to name her - Kathy.

I have both new Momma's in a separate paddock from the rest of herd. I'll keep them separate until the first of January, then put them back with our bull, Red, which will result in two more calves at the end of next September 2015. We'll start milking Darlin once a day in the middle of next month, so we'll have fresh raw milk through the winter.

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