
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, July 28, 2014

A midsummer's pond

Such a pretty little pond. But it takes work to keep it looking this good.

We have had a lot of scum build up on the pond this summer. The fish probably like the cover, but the ducks do not. I looked into using Auqacide which claims to be safe for the fish, but can't believe that it would be wise to eat the fish after filling them with chemicals. What to do?

Call the Scum Busters! They're not afraid of a little scum. K7 and K8 use a piece of chicken wire fence to drag it off the surface and onto the bank, while K6 uses a pitch fork to scrape it off the bottom.

K7 and friend get another work-out by doing more heavy lifting from the bottom.

Just in time for a visit from their cousins, who were brave enough to follow the boys up into the big oak and jump off the end of branches.

The girl's Mom wasn't too happy about the risk factor, but they all jumped several times without mishap and swam until sunset. As Shakespeare said, "All's well that ends well".

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