
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, March 10, 2014

Halter training

With the arrival of warmer weather, we have begun halter training the three heifers. We bought halters for each girl. "Sandie" is the oldest and easiest, since she was halter trained as a calf. The boys just slipped the halter over her head and clipped the lead to it.

"Nutella" was a little tougher since she was never previously trained, but I have been getting her ready by hand feeding her grass cube treats. She's coming along.

The youngest, "Maggie", was surprisingly the toughest (actually the bull calf was, but we decided that since he's going in the freezer, why bother?). K6 and K7 had to sit on her to get the halter on. It would have been much easier if she had been born before November and we could have started her at two months of age in warmer weather. Her Momma Heidi was very concerned about what we were doing to her little daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like FUN! :D We'll have to try it sometime : P
