
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow shots

The boys were busy feeding cattle and sheep. Well, at least K6 and K7 were. You can see K8 sitting on his bale of hay playing with a dog.

They wanted to throw their 3 bales at the same time. Looks like our German Shepherd, Daisy, was anxious to join them.

Happy animals. Our English Shepherd, Dandy, was out in the paddock with the boys. Not sure why they left Daisy back in the yard.

The boys are carrying grain to the herd in paddock 3. It is much easier to feed them now that we have a long feed trough. All the animals can get their head in it without pushing and shoving, unlike the sheep and two heifers who still eat out of small bowls.


  1. Throwing them at the same time is something Hannah, Maddie, and I would do! : )

  2. : ) Looks like fun chores . . . LOL! We will have to try sometime . . . it might be a good laugh : )
