
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, January 31, 2014

Pics from previous snow storm

Early January snow. View to the southwest.

View to the east. K6 out on the frozen pond with three of the dogs.

We moved all the cattle and sheep into areas that had shelter from the ice and snow.

The wind was from the northwest, so the front porch got coated with snow, as did the dog food bowl.

So what did the boys do during the storm? K2 decided to conduct a scientific "blind taste test" of various water - #1 our straight well water; #2 softened well water; #3 Berkey filtered water; #4 Aquafina bottled water; and #5 Penta bottled water. Not sure of the results, but they had fun, and I enjoyed watching them while eating crackers with salami and cheese.

The sun came out, but not warm enough to melt anything.

Our St Croix sheep were showing their resourcefulness by digging down through the snow to reach the grass.  


  1. What?! Mama didn't have pH strips for the water experiment?

  2. That is just too much snow, but I'm glad your boys know how to entertain themselves : )
