
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, November 4, 2013

That calf we thought was due Oct 1st? Arrived 2 November!

Poor Little Darlin, our family milk cow, has been as big as a whale and waddling around waiting for this moment to calf in paddock #2. Saturday morning, 2 Nov, about 10:45 A.M. It is a bull calf, her second in a row. He is solid red and probably polled like her previous two calves. You can see two Dexter heifers in the background in paddock #1, which is currently the single girl's dormitory. They will both get Artificially Inseminated in January. 

Don't have his name picked yet, but it'll probably be something like "Rib-eye". He is beautiful, and glad he has a good "fur" coat.

I am just thankful that the weather was dry and in the low 50's, and did not freeze later that night. I gave Momma a little grain and a good scratching. She's a great mother and takes very good care of her off spring. Most dairy farmers around here have over 100 calves at a time to manage, but even with one or two (we have another one due this month), it is a big deal to us.

Papa and entire family in the waiting room? No. They came over bellowing a cow chorus because they saw me give Darlin grain, and they wanted some! Our bull, Red, better have all those other girls bred for late Spring calving.

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